Hi there! Am Isaac Ndune Keah and this is my blog. A lover of the written word willing to share my works and delight in the joy of being read! I have spent considerable time nurturing this art. I can now proudly say that I have attained admirable levels. I now wait to be discovered.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Make It Last Forever...

Before Mariah reaches the part that says, "Make it last forever", earlier lyrics had already taken me into nostalgia lane. Am seated in a Matatu and a song that combines three of my all-time favorite artists begins to play. An old enough song to now graduate into the "ol-skull". A song I used to love so much until I copied it ten times into the same CD. I would insert the disc into player and listen from song number one to the last one. The same song.

A classical seductive song. There is a part that Nas raps, "You taste like banana cake, you shaped like the number eight". Then enters Joe with his refined voice-overs that puts you in an eerie melancholic moment of lyrical recall. Music, my ultimate opium, stole my moment and unearthed old, fond memories.

"Make it last forever, make it last, make it last...

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