Hi there! Am Isaac Ndune Keah and this is my blog. A lover of the written word willing to share my works and delight in the joy of being read! I have spent considerable time nurturing this art. I can now proudly say that I have attained admirable levels. I now wait to be discovered.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Of Honey And Sour Grapes.

Here are two shots of one beehive. It conjures up the bad memories that ended my 2012. I did not sustain any stings however – (In case you are beginning to think along those lines!) – it was a different kind of a ‘sting’. It was more of a sting in my wallet than on my flesh.

Here’s what happened.

I entered into an agreement with a neighbor for the supply of a beehive. All sweet-talk and juicy promises crowned our discussion and, duly convinced on the worth of the project, I honored my side of the bargain with the payment of the full amount of the beehive price. I had played my ball and it was now Ndoro’s (the neighbor) turn. That was on the evening of the last Thursday of last year, 2012.

My new year was ushered in with this pending ‘con-man’ case to deal with. And I started working towards getting hold of him. If by any chance I happen to find out that he misappropriated the money, he will be forced to surrender to me one of his two beehives (see it in photo). At least he told me they belonged to him- and somehow I believed him. I believed him because as I walked with him in the village paths on that day we sealed the deal, he answered to quite a number of requests for honey from people he told me were his previous clients.

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